rc.conf is used for setting various options and binding keys to functions. 设置和快捷键绑定
rifle.conf decides which program to use for opening a file. 文件打开方式
scope.sh is a shell script used to generate previews for various file types. 文件预览方式
commands.py contains various functions’ implementation, written in Python, used to modify ranger's behavior, and implement your own Custom Commands
. 自定义命令
g for navigation and tabs 导航和标签
r for :open_with command 打开文件
y for yank(copy) 复制
d for cut/delete 剪切删除
p for paste 粘贴
o for sort 排序
. for filter_stack
z for changing settings 变化
u for “undo” 撤销
M for linemode
+, -, = for setting access rights to files